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Sommeliers Relais & Châteaux

Francesco Gabriele

Sommelier Relais & Châteaux- Relais & Châteaux

Francesco Gabriele

Chewton Glen

New Milton - United Kingdom

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Sommelier Relais & Châteaux

Born in Rome I studied Economics at University but have held a true and sincere passion for hospitality since a young boy. At 23 I moved to Sardinia to work in hospitality industry. I have been passionate about wine since I was a child. my grandfather used to take down to his small cellar to show me how to make wine.
After 3 years of studying as a professional sommelier within the Italian Sommelier Association. I worked for a very well-known wine-maker family in Italy called Capichera, Michelin starred restaurants are part of my background.
I then travelled to the USA and South Africa for about 6 months studying wines from ; France, Spain, Austria and Greece.
I have now been Head Sommelier at Chewton Glen for a year and love it…

What wine and food pairings do you think go best together?

Fish or shell fish in a fresh handmade and pale tomato sauce, slightly hot, spicy, tasty, genepy aromas, rosemary, cappers to match with a black, berry scents, well-structured, ripe tannins, mid-weight palate: a Merlot based wine.
A complex palate of dried fruit, nuts, vanilla, and camomile flowers, sage, detectable oakiness to go with fruits de mer.
A full body, spicy Shiraz with cassis, black berries, leather, chocolate, tobacco aromas to go with a slow cooked Chateaubriand.

What are your all-time favourite wines?

For the same reason given above there is not one favourite wine for me but just memorable moments that are connected to wine. The wine world is so big that I think there is always a better wine, somewhere.
Remembering a couple of those moments I would say Champagne Jacques Selosse Substance Grand Cru Blanc de Blanc drunk with a friend that I hadn’t seen for ages.
Peter Michael Chardonnay Point Rouge which I had for a romantic meal.
Terre Brune Cantine Santadi which I opened when my son was born.

What is your personal adage?

"Carpe Diem" is the best way to explain my philosophy:
life is made of little things and times that you have to enjoy without thinking about the past or the future. I strongly believe that you should enjoy the moment because there will never be another one exactly the same and the one you are living, this will become part of your memories and be unforgettable.

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