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Relais & Châteaux and Pommery award the "Woman of the Year 2022" trophy to Patricia Biancarelli the House Manager of the Grand Hôtel de Cala Rossa at Lecci de Porto-Vecchio in Corsica

Won over by these warm-hearted and capable women who excel in the art of hospitality, Relais & Châteaux and Pommery award the "Woman of the Year" trophy to to Patricia Biancarelli, the precious right hand of the Canarelli family, the owner of the Grand Hôtel de Cala Rossa located on the northern tip of the gulf of Porto-Vecchio in southern Corsica.

If, year after year, travelers of all generations like to return to the Grand Hôtel de Cala Rossa , much of this is due to the idyllic location of this beautiful family home, but in equal proportion to the solar personality of Patricia Biancarelli. 

Relais & Châteaux - Grand Hôtel de Cala Rossa - Hotel Porto-Vecchio Relais & Châteaux - Grand Hôtel de Cala Rossa - Hotel Corse

Hidden in a peaceful cove of the gulf of Porto-Vecchio, in the heart of a private park on the sea front, the Grand Hôtel de Cala Rossa offers guests a haven of tranquility to enjoy the wild beauty of southern Corsica and the crystal clear waters of the most beautiful beaches of the island. Received in a chic yet relaxed setting, everyone feels very much at home. Patricia finds the time to stop and talk, share her secrets, build relationships and fulfill every wish of her guests. It is with this same dedication that she cares for her staff and with this same passion that she develops their talents so that in turn they embody the soul of the house. Her presence at the side of the Canarelli family for nearly four decades has been a large part of the magic of the place due to her ability to create an atmosphere conducive to well-being..



Relais & Châteaux - Pommery - Trophy Woman the Year Relais & Châteaux - Pommery - Trophy Woman of the Year

In 1858, upon the death of her husband, Jeanne Alexandrine Louise Pommery took over the reins of the champagne house. At a time when the business world was exclusively male, Ms. Pommery accepted the challenge. Endowed with an avant-garde vision, she imposed her style and sealed the destiny of the company. She continued to expand the house by creating wines like no other, imbued with feminine elegance. And this house, which was behind the success of the first brut champagne, soon became one of the most beautiful vineyards of Champagne.
Today, the estate covers more than five hectares and benefits from both the "Sustainable Wine Growing in Champagne" and "High Environmental Value” labels. Nathalie Vranken, Pommery’s Director, perpetuates the boldness of this woman who made champagne an art. Since 2003, she has organized contemporary art exhibitions in the chalk cellars of the estate called the "Pommery Experiences". Since its creation, this major artistic event held almost 100 feet underground has brought together the works of more than 500 international artists, strengthening the now unfailing link between Pommery champagnes and art.