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Chef Barbara Lynch Welcomes La Cocina

La Cocina, a San Francisco-based non-profit, was founded in 2005 with the belief that a community of talented natural entrepreneurs, given the right resources, can create self-sufficient businesses that benefit themselves, their families, their community, and the whole city. They support businesses by providing an affordable commercial kitchen space, industry-specific technical assistance and access to market opportunities. We focus primarily on providing resources to women from communities of color and immigrant communities. On Sunday, June 23rd at Menton, Chef Barbara Lynch is thrilled to host executive director Caleb Zigas and two La Cocina entrepreneurs, Guisell Osorio from Sabores del Sur and Dilsa Lugo of Los Cilantros to celebrate the release of We Are La Cocina: Recipes in Pursuit of the American Dream. We Are La Cocina offers evocative and beautiful stories about food, people and place. Over 40 stories from the women who have used their talent and their food to pursue economic freedom and over 120 of their recipes for you to taste that success in your home. This book offers home cooks a glimpse into the world of La Cocina, and the world around all of us. Join Chef Barbara, Caleb, Guisell, and Dilsa at Menton for an evening of sharing stories over delicious, soulful food and wine. A four course menu will highlight dishes from La Cocina entrepreneurs, weaving together the narratives shared in the cookbook with Chef Barbara's own narrative. Each guest will take home a copy of We Are La Cocina, and a portion of the proceeds from the dinner will be donated to La Cocina.