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Relais & Châteaux Chef

Jean-Paul Bondoux

Chef - Relais & Châteaux

Jean-Paul Bondoux

Chef Relais & Châteaux

Born in Luzy, in the region of Bourgogne, France, Jean Paul Bondoux is one of the most successful restaurateurs of Argentina and Uruguay. At the Age of 16 he traveled to Paris searching for adventure and opportunities. There he studied hotel business and started working at the Hotel Napoleon, where he learned the basics of French cookery. In 1975 he met his wife Evelyn. Together they went through France in search for experience. At the end of 1979 they moved to South America. Where they settled in Punta del Este Uruguay. Punta del Este´s La Bourgogne was founded in 1981. Known as a very successful restaurant, La Bourgogne Buenos Aires, was opened 1993 at the Alvear Palace Hotel. Ever since La Bourgogne is recognized as a fine dining address in Buenos Aires. In 2000 a Boutique Traitor was opened, also launching an “out of premises catering service”. Jean Paul Bondoux is member of selection committee of the Paul Bocuse Award, has wide TV exposure and presides “Tradiciones Culinarias” a guild grouping the most recognized chefs in Argentina. His motto “Excellence can only be reached with hard work and dedication”.

Tell us about your star ingredient.

The people here think of duck as being a typically French product. It has a unique taste, with depth and character. We used to bring in ducks from France, from the Landes region, but now we have a duck farmer here in Argentina, in Mendoza. In Uruguay we still import Landes ducks, and we also get a few wild ducks from the lagoons and rice fields of Rocha province. One of our main specialties is pressed duck. I love twice-cooked duck — first we roast it whole, then after carving off the fillets and supremes, we confit the legs to be served in the next course, with a green salad and a diablo sauce.

Les restaurants Relais & Châteaux de Jean-Paul Bondoux

La Bourgogne

  • Cooking classics

Restaurant La Bourgogne Jean-Paul Bondoux – Buenos Aires

  • Cooking classics