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Hotel Bastion Zadar
(from) US$ 161.43

Hotel Bastion Zadar

Croatia (Hrvatska)Zadar


Awaken all the senses

Chef Ivan TurkoviÜ and his dish
Chef Ivan TurkoviÜ

From market stall to plate

The Kaštel restaurant's menu draws on ingredients that retrace the history and culture of Zadar and its surrounding region. From the cheese to the olive oil and wine, all the produce here stems from age-old tradition, imbued with pure, simple flavor you won't forget in a hurry. We invite you to enjoy a unique, gourmet experience that takes you deep into the heart of forgotten family recipes from the Dalmatia region. Working with ingredients sourced from the local market, the Chef whips up contemporary takes on classic dishes complete with exquisite wine pairings.

Zadar - The ancient jewel of the Adriatic

The story of Zadar is best told by Hotel Bastion. Sheltered behind the preserved remains of a defensive corner tower of the city’s walls, Hotel Bastion offers a luxurious experience in an environment filled with palpable history. Located just a few minutes’ walk from the hotel, Anastasia Cathedral is the largest cathedral in Dalmatia. Reach the bell tower to get the most beautiful view of the old town and of the St. Simeon church. The hotel itself is built at the tip of the peninsula, on the remains of a former 13th-century Venetian medieval fortress inside the city walls, listed by UNESCO as a world heritage site. Zadar is full of archeological and historical sites which all bear witness to the city’s past, as well as  contemporary architectural achievements such as the “Sea Organ” art object and the “Greeting to the Sun” monument. You can enjoy your stay in many ways, all tailored to nourish your spirit.

Wellness Castello Experience

Wellness Castello is a place where nature and history come together to create a truly relaxing environment. Our vision is inspired by ancient beauty secrets, bringing balance to body and mind through natural and authentic treatments. Enjoy the benefits by experiencing the saunas, the steam baths and the various treatments and fitness programs, a combination of Eastern and Western massage techniques and beauty treatments or relax with chromotherapy on our “Aura” wood bed. With the 13th-century walls reflecting a distinctive atmosphere, you will experience a sense of intimacy and warmth, in a very soothing place.

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Scenic Beauties of Dalmatia

The most distinctive features of Zadar region are breathtaking sights together with well-preserved nature. Whether you choose a panoramic flight over the islands of Zadar Archipelago, a boat trip to the most famous islands of national park Kornati, a trip to the gorgeous waterfalls and cascades of national park Krka, a rock climbing session in national park Paklenica or a cycling tour around the largest lake in Croatia, Vrana Lake, you will experience the best view, breathe the freshest air by a clear blue sea.