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Relais & Châteaux and Hennessy present the "Passion 2022” trophy to the Bij Jef restaurant on the island of Texel in the Netherlands

Won over by the enthusiasm of those individuals who are passionate about their work, Relais & Châteaux and its historical partner Hennessy award the "Passion Trophy" Bij Jef, the star-rated restaurant of the couple Jef Schuur and Nadine Mögling, housed in the former presbytery of the village of Den Hoorn.

The Bij Jef , a surprising gem of the rural Wadden archipelago, is the realization of chef Jef Schuur’s dream. Greatly attached to this island, his birthplace, the chef wanted to offer gourmet cuisine in this quiet seaside paradise. For the past 25 years, it has been with passion and conviction that he has offered a cuisine constantly reinvented, which emphasizes local products which include fish, shellfish and Texel milk lamb. His elegantly simple dishes always reveal a delicious contrast of flavors and textures skillfully matched by the wines selected by his wife, Nadine Mögling.

Restaurant Bij Jef - Hennessy - Passion Trophy Relais & Châteaux Restaurant Bij Jef - Restaurant texel - Restaurant Netherlands - Restaurant Relais & Châteaux

The Michelin-starred restaurant has had many opportunities to evolve in order to develop and explore different ways of delighting food lovers. The pandemic has been a new opportunity for Jef and Nadine to express their creativity. They have taken advantage of this suspended time to revise their way of working, attracting local customers and opening a delicatessen. They have also created an organic vegetable garden just 25 meters from the kitchen to increase their teams’ adhesion to a project that was important to them. Knowing how to grow a vegetable and watching it grow until it is just right for eating is a wonderful source of inspiration for future years.



Hennessy - Passion Trophy Relais & Châteaux Hennessy - Passion Trophy Relais & Châteaux

In 1870, Maurice Hennessy created Hennessy X.O, the emblematic cognac from the house of the same name. For seven generations, the production of these exceptional cognacs has been based on the expertise of a familial line of passionate master blenders and the know-how of craftsmen committed to the land. To guarantee this heritage, the men and women of Maison Hennessy are driven by a deep desire to pass it on to future generations, creating a link between tradition and modernity.