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In Europe: get away from it all in the most beautiful Relais & Châteaux gardens

Few people have experienced the privilege of lounging around in an 18th-century olive grove or in the garden of William Robinson, creator of the English garden. Through this unique selection of Relais & Chaeaux's most beautiful gardens, we offer you the chance to discover the treasures that extend beyond the walls of our properties.

In France, from the Jura to the Landes, we have unearthed a myriad of surprising gardens. On a Mediterranean hillside, the courtyards of the Chateau de la Chèvre d'Or are dotted with flowers in its exotic garden. Not far from there, nestled within Le Mas Candille, an 18th-century olive grove now boasts over 200 varieties of Mediterranean plants. At the Château de Rochegude in the Drôme region, doe and deer roam freely in the grounds.

Further north in the Jura, guests can enjoy a drink in the shade of hundred-year-old trees in the Château de Germigney grounds In the farthest reaches of the Landes and Béarn, Les Prés d'Eugénie joyfully conveys the a love for the poetry of nature.

Among the network of trails criss-crossing the English countryside, the discoveries continue at Gravetye Manor, close to the famous Elizabethan manor where English gardens were born. And if you'd prefer a break in the Netherlands, the Château de St. Gerlach is surrounded by a charming estate where a rose garden and a vineyard live together in perfect harmony.

Turn over a new leaf and explore the best of our gardens!


Le Mas Candille (Mougins) was an olive grove in the 18th century, and its varied endemic plant life has been enriched with more than 200 varieties of Mediterranean plants that grow on grounds spanning five hectares.

Le Mas Candille

Discover the enchanting pathways created by the founder of the English garden at Gravetye Manor - West Hoathly (West Sussex).

Gravetye Manor

Les Prés d’Eugénie - Michel Guérard - Eugénie-les-Bains (Landes): a romantic haven to delight all the senses.

Les Prés d’Eugénie - Maison Guérard

Take a stroll in the grounds of Château de Germigney in Port-Lesney (Jura).

Château de Germigney

At the Château de La Chèvre d'Or (Eze-Village): hillside gardens overlook the spectacular panoramic sea views.

Château de La Chèvre d’Or

Château St. Gerlach (Netherlands) boasts immense grounds, a vineyard, an aromatic herb garden, a vegetable garden, and a rose garden!

Château St. Gerlach

Doe and deer gambol freely in the grounds of Château de Rochegude (Drôme).

Château de Rochegude