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Hotel Il San Corrado di Noto
(from) US$ 834.34

Hotel Il San Corrado di Noto



This property is annually closed. Reopening on 09/04/2025

Awaken all the senses

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Discovery of farm-grown plants and herbs, followed by lunch

You’ll have the opportunity, nay, the privilege, to visit a farm in Scicli that cultivates native plants and aromatic herbs. By focusing on the cultivation of local species native to the Sicilian coast, particularly from the region of Ragusa and Syracuse, the company has become a leader in this business sector. It produces more than 150 different varieties using ancient traditional hand-farming methods. You are invited to taste these different varieties and appreciate their culinary use during a very affable and appetizing lunch.


Visit a hidden village in Val di Noto

Set off to discover a well-kept secret. This small village nestled in the Hyblaean Mountains at over 3,320 feet above sea level is a pure wonder. A local guide will introduce you to the world of “Neviere” (icehouses), one of which once had an amazing pit. You’ll then take an enchanting walk in the woods, where you’ll be taught how to prepare "Granita", a naturally flavored crushed ice dessert that you’ll immediately get to enjoy. Afterwards, you’ll have lunch in a famous trattoria, one of the most characteristic Slow Food restaurants in Sicily. Then, you’ll participate in an olive oil tasting—the region is very famous for the quality of its olive oil. After lunch, you can explore a 12th century church where the last of the Knights Templar lived. To top off this memorable day, you’ll have the opportunity to walk among incredible 800-year-old olive trees; just touching them will leave you brimming with emotion.

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Truffle hunting

The totally unique world of truffles harbors a wealth of treasures, and Sicily is one of the Italian regions where you can find some excellent varieties. The best place to go for an intense experience searching for this culinary jewel is the Hyblaean Mountains. Set out on a wonderful journey in the company of a truffle expert and his dog, both of whom will help you locate this precious treasure. After this epic search, you’ll be invited to dine at one of the most prestigious trattorias in Sicily, where you’ll enjoy a delicious five-course Sicilian lunch representative of the Slow Food movement, and which of course includes truffles.

Noto: Caffè Sicilia
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The sweet life and treasures of Noto

Walking around Noto will leave you permanently spellbound. The epicenter of Sicilian Baroque, this city reveals itself in all its splendor. You’ll be captivated by its enthralling white streets and mesmerizing buildings. The Church of Santa Chiara, the Cathedral of St. Nicholas, the Palazzo Ducezio, the Fountain of Hercules, the Municipal Theatre, and all the other major architectural wonders attest to this: all visitors soon find themselves in a state of awe. Stop off at the Caffè Sicilia to discover some of its sweet delights such as cannoli (crunchy dessert with sweet ricotta) and granita (iced dessert). Then, visit a very interesting farm whose young owner will introduce you to the world of almonds, a must-see in this area. You will learn, for example, that there are at least 100 species in the world, and that it’s the main ingredient in Sicilian desserts.