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Relais & Castles, Absolut Elyx and Monkey 47 award the “Cocktail 2022” trophy to Tadeja Pavšič, barmaid of the Kendov Dvorec in Spodnja Idrija, Slovenia

Convinced of the need to create a more sustainable world for future generations, Relais & Châteaux, Absolut Elyx and Monkey 47 have teamed up to award the “Cocktail Trophy” to Tadeja Pavšič inventor of the “Secret Garden” cocktail, a creation inspired by the gardens of the Kendov Dvorec Hotel.

The former manor house located on the banks of the Idrijca river in the midst of alpine peaks and the Karst plateau is surrounded by wonderful gardens and hills crowned with forests. It is in this bucolic environment that Tadeja Pavšič drew her inspiration and selected the ingredients for her cocktail.

Relais & Châteaux - Kendov Dvorec - hôtel Slovenia Relais & Châteaux - - Kendov Dvorec - hôtel Slovenia

It consists of apple juice made from the fruits of the century-old apple trees of Kendov Dvorec, wild thyme gathered in the garden, honey produced by the chef Klavdij Pirih and raspberries picked in the glades of the nearby forest. Its aromas are a concentrate of the Slovenian terroir. They combine to perfection with Gin Monkey 47, a full-bodied gin made from 47 plants hand-picked and infused in Black Forest spring water. Through this creation, Tadeja wanted to highlight the richness of the plant world and the work of the artisans who draw their strength from nature to offer a sustainable art of living for everyone.


Absolut Elyx et Monkey 47

Relais & Châteaux - Relais & Châteaux Cocktail Trophy - Kendov Dvorec - Monkey 47 Relais & Châteaux - Relais & Châteaux Cocktail Trophy - Kendov Dvorec - Monkey 47

A fervent defender of bar tending that is respectful of the environment, Pernod-Ricard is honoring high-end spirits, produced by passionate artisans who are committed to perpetuating exceptional know-how and preserving their local area.

The Absolut Elyx vodka and Monkey 47 gin come from independent distilleries which use local, sustainably grown raw materials of a rare quality. Absolute Elyx is distiled manually in copper stills dating back to 1921 from winter wheat harvested in southern Sweden in a 25 km radius of the town of Åhus, its place of manufacture. Monkey 47 is produced with the help of the inhabitants of the Black Forest who are responsible for hand-harvesting wild fruits and plants that are used in its composition, 47 in total. They are left to macerate in spring water. Each macerate is distiled using a traditional method and then assembled. The gin is aged in terracotta jars for 100 days before bottling.