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Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Hugo and Cinzia Bernardi

Maîtres de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Hugo and Cinzia Bernardi

Gardena Grödnerhof Hotel & Spa

Ortisei/Val Gardena, Dolomites - Italy

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Can you tell us the story of your property?

The story of the Gardena began in 1923, when Antonio and Anna Demetz, my grandparents, bought a private home and converted it into a hotel. In 1988, under the guidance of my parents, Annamaria Demetz and Ernesto Bernardi, the Gardena Hotel received a four-star rating. In 2000, I took over the management and ownership with my wife Cinzia. To maintain the hotel’s high standards, we reached a decision fraught with consequences for a hotel so steeped in tradition: in the spring of 2001 the entire structure was demolished and rebuilt from the ground up. The new Gardena Grödnerhof Hotel & Spa was officially inaugurated on 15 December 2001. It received its current five-star rating in December 2003 and in the autumn of 2004, the Gardena became a member of Relais & Châteaux. During its 100-year history, the Gardena has always focused on the importance of the traditional values of hospitality, while keeping pace with if not going ahead of the times: from the pioneering insight of our grandparents and parents to the courageous reconstruction in 2001, our main objective has always been and continues to be the well-being and satisfaction of our guests. Our guests particularly appreciate this mix of continuity and innovation, the combination of tradition and modernity, which creates an environment of absolute relaxation, bringing together elegance and comfort.

What is your trademark in terms of the art of generosity and warmth?

The Gardena is a long-established family-run hotel providing a high standard of service and hospitality. Warmth, kindness and sincerity are our trademarks. We are always more than happy to assist our guests in any way. Together with our staff of professionals, many of whom have been with us for a long time, we take care of every detail. At the Gardena, cordiality and attentiveness are an important part of our work philosophy.

What memories do you want to give your customers?

We are situated in one of the most beautiful mountain areas in the world, the Dolomites, a UNESCO Heritage Site. We live in a land rich in traditions and ancient customs, with a deeply rooted tradition of hospitality. We want to create unforgettable experiences for our guests: from outdoor activities in a breathtaking scenery to exquisite culinary experiences related to the territory, not to mention the beneficial and highly effective treatments practised by our skilled therapists in the wonderfully relaxing ambiance of our spa.

What passions do you share with your guests at your property?

We like to believe that they will remember not only the excellence of our chef, the pleasant atmosphere of our hotel, the magnificent landscape all around, but also and foremost the loving care we put in every single detail. We truly draw the greatest pleasure from the satisfaction of our guests: it’s what keeps us going.

Gardena Grödnerhof Hotel & Spa

  • Hotel and restaurant in the mountains.