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US$ 745.16 for 2 pers. for 2 pers.

e-CRÉATION N°125 Gift box At the heart of the vines

Online Exclusives

US$ 745.16 for 2 pers. for 2 pers.
Payable en 3x
Paiement en 3x
Pour un montant de :
Premier apport :
(Coût de financement : €)
- 2ème prélèvement de :
- 3ème prélèvement de :

Offre de financement sans assurance avec apport obligatoire,
réservée aux particuliers et valable pour tout achat de 350€ à 6000€.
Sous réserve d'acceptation par Oney Bank.

Gift box At the heart of the vines

Discover the 16 properties where you can redeem your gift box

This e-Gift box includes the following for two people:

  • one night in a double room
  • a three-course dinner
  • a glass of wine or champagne
  • an activity related to wine or spirits
  • breakfast

Alcohol abuse is dangerous for your health. Drink responsibly.

Certain properties may offer a slightly different service, or have very limited availability for welcoming you. Click on "service details" to see the terms of acceptance for each property.

Group gift

Retirement, birthday...
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Incompatible products are present in the basket
Cavas Wine Lodge - Mendoza - Argentina At the heart of the vines
Les Maisons de Bricourt - Ille-et-Vilaine - France At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
Beau-Rivage Hotel - Neuchâtel - Switzerland At the heart of the vines
Kasteel Engelenburg - Gelderland - Netherlands At the heart of the vines
La Bastide - Gers - France At the heart of the vines
Il Borro - Toscana - Italy At the heart of the vines
Hostellerie de Levernois - Côte-d’Or - France At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
1 13
At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
At the heart of the vines
1 13
At the heart of the vines