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This summer, come roam across France!

Admire its beautiful territory and the spirit of its inhabitants! Delight in its gastronomy and regional specialities that will pleasure your palate! Walk along the hiking trails that wind along the sea and ocean as well as through woodlands, forests and renowned vineyards! Finally, uncover the secrets of its history, which has left behind countless archaeological ruins and architectural gems. Brittany, the Loire Châteaux, the South-West or Provence... so many regions to discover which welcome our Relais & Châteaux properties for an immersion into hospitality and gastronomy “Made in France”!

A seaside stay in the land of Brittany

From Saint-Méloir-des-Ondes to the Atlantic coast, add a salty tang to your holiday! The tidal flats provide you with immense panoramas which, as the hours pass, assume different shades of light and colour. The gastronomy of Brittany oscillates between land and sea to offer our taste buds the most delightful of pleasures. Holidays in Brittany during the summer, however, are also the time to participate in all the pardons and festivals that resonate with Breton bagpipes and bombardons, and dance in a Bigouden outfit for a day.
Discover our Relais & Châteaux properties in Brittany


The spirit of the South-West inspired by the land and its terroir

From La Rochelle to the Basque Country, France reveals the milder side of its land and terroir. The South-West offers vineyards and marshlands to visit as well as caves, villages perched on rocky promontories and immense natural terraces from which to admire the forestland and rivers. The terroir provides precious gifts and products, which can be found in Relais & Châteaux restaurants and prepared with elegance by our chefs.
> Discover our Relais & Châteaux properties in the South-West


In the footsteps of painters and writers in Provence & Languedoc

Under the light of the South, almost anything can be done! It’s this light that attracts painters and writers to this land, inspired by the colours, the singing of crickets as well as the atmosphere that prevails here in the port of Marseille or in the small village cafés in the backcountry. Provence and Languedoc must be visited in order to describe its contours. One has to have lived by the rising and setting of the sun, which by its presence – or indeed omnipresence – sets the tone for a day that might have been ordinary. Braque, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Giono and Pagnol were able to successfully capture the beauty of and quintessence of the region here, just as Relais & Châteaux has been successful at becoming one with the region by selecting Provençal farmhouses and country houses for its properties.
Discover our Relais & Châteaux properties in Provence & Languedoc


The Loire Valley, UNESCO World Heritage Site

History has marked the architecture of the Loire Valley. The region’s reputation comes from its numerous châteaux, renowned for their elegance and gardens. Chenonceau, Amboise, Azay-le-Rideau, Chambord, Blois, Cheverny and many others are precious jewels that never fail to captivate tourists from all over the world. And then there’s the wine and terroir. The land of Rabelais, Chinon, along with its fortress, is an appellation d’origine contrôlée; Chinon wine is defined by its winegrowers as a “friendly wine”! So head to the Loire Valley with Relais & Châteaux to get a taste of its friendly atmosphere!
Discover our Relais & Châteaux properties in the Loire Valley