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Gault & Millau Germany 2017: an exceptional cru for Relais & Châteaux tables

Gault & Millau describes itself as being a "talent finder for more than 40 years" and that's no understatement for this latest cru from the 2017 Germany Guide. In this edition, creativity, talent and boldness were rewarded as the only words having their place in the German culinary scene.

Accordingly, Andreas Krolik of Lafleur Restaurant in Frankfurt was awarded the title of Chef of the Year. As he keenly points out, "Those who give up wanting to be the best, cease to be any good”. And what better illustration of wanting to be the best than this contemporary cuisine that dares to offer unexpected combinations such as Breton mackerel with Japanese dashi. His great mastery of fish and vegetables, which earned him his reputation, will instil you with an indefatigable desire to keep returning to relive the most flavourful of memories.

Discover Lafleur Restaurant (Frankfurt am Main)

Lafleur Restaurant

Lafleur Restaurant

Lafleur Restaurant

Further south, at the heart of the Black Forest near the Baiersbronn winter sports resort, Bareiss Restaurant was distinguished twice, first with a score of 19/20 for the cuisine of three-star chef Claus-Peter Lumpp, and then with the title of “Pâtissier of the Year” awarded to Stefan Leitner, who presides over the restaurant’s desserts. The genius and sophistication shown by this brilliant pair fully justify the rewards given to Bareiss, considered one of Germany’s top restaurants.

Discover the Gourmet-Restaurant “Bareiss” at the Hotel Bareiss im Schwarzwald (Baiersbronn-Mitteltal)

Gourmet-Restaurant “Bareiss”

Gourmet-Restaurant “Bareiss”

Gourmet-Restaurant “Bareiss”

Finally, German cuisine wouldn’t be what it is without the excellence of three-star chef Thomas Bühner and his restaurant La Vie, which just received a 19/20 from the Gault & Millau Guide. Here, food is plated like colour is added to canvas by a painter, with strokes of emotion, sensitivity and boldness. An avant-garde cuisine that has no equal on the other side of the Rhine.

Discover La Vie Restaurant (Osnabrück)