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Villas and vacation rentals

Nothing feels more like a break from real life than the feeling of sand between your toes. This collection of luxury beach houses allows you to do just that, with coastal retreats chosen because of their proximity to the ocean - wake up to the waves and feel the stress wash away with the relaxing pace in our seaside villas, villas with private beach and luxury beach houses. Explore the Japanese island paradise of The Uza Terrace Beach Club, Croatian coastal villas or the eastern seaboard in the United States from Nantucket. As well as promising privacy and seclusion, each villa with seaview offers a variety of additional services, ranging from private chefs to butler service, spa treatments or babysitting, depending on location, and may also be able to connect you with local activities, including watersports.

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Ocean views guaranteed

Our collection of luxury beach houses and coastal retreats have been chosen because of their proximity to the ocean. All offer incredible seaside views, from wild and wind-swept coves to romantic dunes, gorgeous sandy bays, dazzling lagoons and tropical banks on the edges of lush jungle.
Many have their own private pool, and some villas with private beach. All luxury villas and vacation rentals in the Relais & Châteaux collection offer a new degree of privacy, with private homes that give guests independence and autonomy, away from other guests yet close enough to access fine dining or five-star services and any other assistance from our nearby hotel properties.

Global beach destinations

We offer a veritable A-Z of seaside villas globally, from Australia to Zanzibar and everywhere in between: from Croatia to the Caribbean, from Sri Lanka to South Africa, from France to French Polynesia. Head to the Croatian coast where you’ll find Villa Korta Katarina, an eight-suite hotel that can be hired in entirety as a single villa with seaview, which boasts an incredible pool and large terrace overlooking the Adriatic Sea. Cross the Atlantic and in the Bahamas you’ll find the Starlight Villa within the Tiamo Resort, offering one-bedroom accommodation and a 900-square-foot private deck with heated pool and direct access to the beach. On the eastern seaboard of the United States, discover the homely Anchorage House home rental in Nantucket, offering amazing views over the local bay and Atlantic Ocean. And for a taste of the exotic, book into Vaitape in Bora Bora, French Polynesia, where an incredible beach villa offers dazzling views of the lagoon, a private pool and a living room that opens directly on to the beach.

Local immersion

Relais & Châteaux prides itself on being able to immerse guests in local culture, wherever you choose to stay. That means our array of beach houses are all beautifully unique, reflecting local architectural history and culture – from colonial style grandeur, with elegant verandas, white louvered blinds to keep out the sun and slowly turning ceiling fans, to buildings that blend in with the surrounding foliage and striking modernist structures.
All offer considered interior design and private outdoor spaces that celebrate the best of what’s around.

Luxurious outdoor living

Inside all our seaside villas, expect sumptuous living conditions, from luxuriously appointed bedrooms with plush bedding to en-suite bathrooms boasting bespoke and artisan products; fully equipped kitchen facilities; and plenty of room to lounge, socialize, entertain and dine, indoors and out. Facilities range from grand patios with rain showers to established, well-tended gardens with rare plants, fruit trees and ornamental fountains; hot tubs, private pools, infinity pools or jacuzzis; shady terraces with gazebos and outdoor fire pits. Decor reflects the architectural style, cultural heritage and setting of each property, with materials sympathetic to the seaside locale and curated artwork.

Profound relaxation

What all our luxury beach houses and seaside villas have in common is that innate feeling of relaxation that comes with the sights, sounds and senses of being next to the sea. From the moment you arrive and drink in the sea air for the first time, to stepping foot on the beach, taking off your shoes and wiggling your toes in the sane, this is when you can finally forget the stresses of daily life and say: you’re on vacation. With the ever-present sea breeze and the lapping of waves, it’s the perfect opportunity to switch off and forget the stresses of regular life.

Additional services

Ultimately, beach house rental and the ethos of beach life means you should do as much or as little as you want and we want you to feel as if you are in your own beach house. That’s why we consider our seaside villas to be the most customisable vacations anywhere. That starts with your choice of destination and then the truly individual opportunities offered by each villa with seaview. And it extends to the additional services you can access from our main properties, from fine dining to wellness and spa facilities, even babysitting, allowing you to make your vacation your own.

Ocean experiences

Your hosts’ local knowledge can unlock experiences that can elevate your stay even more – from diving tuition to vintage boat rides and even oyster farming excursions. Looking inland, they’ll also help you access gastronomic features, wine tours and other local specialities, visits to local cultural and historic highlights, shopping destinations, wellness and spa facilities and coastal retreats.

Incredible cuisine

As part of the Relais & Châteaux family, guests staying in our luxury beach houses and seaside villas can still take advantage of our renowned approach to fine dining. In-room dining can be provided, or you can request a bespoke picnic to eat on the beach. Some hosts will be able to provide private chefs or even private butlers, so you can take full advantage of your incredible locale and drink in the view without lifting a finger.

Just a phone call away

Allow us to make things easy for you – our concierge team is just a phone call away and can help plan your ideal beachside vacation, able to advise on the opportunities offered by each geographic destination and the experiences you can expect on arrival.