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"Taking care of body and soul"

Relais & Châteaux and Orlane award the 2025 Well-Being Trophy to Anne-Laure Nussbaumer, General Manager of Les Prés d’Eugénie, for her devotion, organizational skills, creativity and goodwill. First spotted by owner Christine Guérard, she joined the property in 1996 to manage the newly launched Ferme Thermale spa. Her passion, expertise and sense of customer service then led on to the direction of Les Grands Thermes d’Eugénie, which she managed until 2017. More recently, she co-created a program dedicated to women in remission from breast cancer, which has been formally recognized by health authorities. In 2018, Michel, Adeline and Éléonore Guérard named her General Manager of Les Prés d’Eugénie, which she runs with mastery, kindness and delicacy.

Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Les Pres d'Eugenie - rooms - breakfast in bed 01
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Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Les Pres d'Eugenie - experiences - swimming pool 04
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Les Pres d'Eugenie - restaurant - L'Orangerie - diner with friends 01
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Hotel + Restaurant
Les Pres d'Eugenie - experiences - yoga 01
Hotel + Restaurant

Les Prés d’Eugénie - Maison Guérard

Eugénie-les-Bains - France

This property is open.

Restaurant and hotel in the country. A small country palace, on the borders of the Landes and Béarn regions, a romantic haven, a feast for the senses, for pampering your body and letting your mind wander. This family home is an invitation to happiness. Fairytale gardens, aristocratic abode and symphonic cuisine. In this small village, once placed under the patronage of Empress Eugénie, herb gardens, majestic trees and ancient roses line the pathway to a stunning spa, La Ferme Thermale®. In the kitchen, Michel Guérard, who "cooks the way a bird sings", creates celestial marvels. Everywhere else, Christine casts her poetic touch. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
3 Michelin Stars 2024
(from) US$ 321.23
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