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Relais & Châteaux and Orlane award the “Well-being 2022” trophy to the Svatma, located at Thanjavur, Tamil Nadu, India

Won over by the charm of this tranquil place that invites guests on a real sensory journey. Relais & Châteaux and Orlane award the Well-being Trophy to the Svatma, for its unique sound spa, inspired by the cultures and traditions of southern India.

In this luxuriously restored old mansion , located away from the hustle and bustle of the city of Thanjavur, architecture, art and philosophy derived from Indian wisdom come together to create a holistic experience entirely dedicated to well-being. Imagined as a sensory journey to achieve a state of perfect fulfillment, the spa treatments are inspired by ancient practices to harmonize the spirit and reconnect the body to its emotions. The Ayurvedic massages with hot oil and medicinal plants, the initiation to the benefits of the singing of mantras and the yoga sessions prepare you to resonate body and soul to the sound of Swaram Nidra Anantar, a sound bed with powerful therapeutic powers. Designed as a Veena, a traditional musical instrument, this massage table is equipped with 50 strings that animate under the expert fingers of a therapist following a musical score adapted to each individual. The vibrations and frequencies felt combine with the sounds of Tibetan singing bowls, gongs and bells to induce a state of total relaxation. This sensual symphony is an enchanting experience that will always resonate in the memories of the traveler.

Relais & Châteaux - Svatma - hotel india - Hôtel Spa Tamil Nadu Relais & Châteaux - Svatma - hotel Tamil Nadu - Hôtel Spa



Relais & Châteaux - Relais & Châteaux Well-being Trophy - SVATMA - Orlane Relais & Châteaux - Relais & Châteaux Well-being Trophy - Svatma - Orlane

The French haute cosmétique house was founded in 1947 by a pharmacist with a true passion for plants and nature. In its research and development laboratory, Orlane formulates precious skin care products that are based on natural ingredients or ingredients obtained through biotechnology, and selected for their effectiveness. Orlane’s skin care products and routines are designed to allow the skin to regain its own original properties. Made in France with respect for human values, Orlane products have excelled in the art of enhancing women's beauty and well-being for over 70 years.