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Relais & Châteaux and Blancpain award the "Heritage 2021" trophy to the Nishimuraya Honkan ryokan in Kinosaki, Japan

Fascinated by cultural heritage inherited from the past, Relais & Châteaux and Blancpain present the Heritage Trophy to the Nishimuraya Honkan Ryokan, a traditional Japanese inn housing an art foundation dedicated to the history of the Kinosaki Onsen Spa.

Nestled in the middle of the mountains, the town of Kinosaki, located near Toyooka in the Kansai region, has been famous for the benefits of its volcanic hot springs since the 8th century. Founded in 1861 within this spa with ancestral charm, the Nishimuraya Honkan ryokan moves to the rhythm of rituals connected to the art of bathing and the onsen. It also works to share the culture and traditions of Japanese hospitality.

Relais & Châteaux - Ryokan Nishimuraya Honkan - Hotel Kinosaki - Hotel Japon Relais & Châteaux - Ryokan Nishimuraya Honkan - Hotel Kinosaki - Hotel Japon

As a member of the Kinosaki Ryokan association, the Nishimuraya Honkan contributes to preserving the authenticity of the city while offering an exemplary welcome. Nestled in the heart of a landscaped garden, this luxurious ryokan is the ideal place to immerse yourself in Japanese culture and discover the contemplative pleasures of bathing in the resort's hot springs. With its sliding paper doors filtering the light, its wooden terraces open to nature, and its tatamis that set the tempo for the space, the ryokan and its architecture are faithful to the traditional sukiya style. In this delicate setting, everything has been thought out to reveal the multiple facets of the Japanese archipelago's art of living: from the excellent kaiseki cuisine and Japanese tea ceremony, to an introduction to the benefits of the thermal bath and how to don a yukata to get to the onsen.

Inheritors of a long-standing tradition, the owners of Nishimuraya Honkan have also gathered over time a rich collection of objects, works of art, and photographs, which are exhibited in their museum dedicated to the history of the spa and the ryokan since its creation. As a testimony to the richness of this cultural heritage, the Nishimuraya Honkan ryokan is proud to celebrate its 160th anniversary in 2021.



Relais & Châteaux - Blancpain - Ryokan Nishimuraya Honkan - Heritage Trophy Relais & Châteaux - Blancpain - Ryokan Nishimuraya Honkan - Heritage Trophy

Founded in 1735 by Jehan-Jacques Blancpain in the Swiss Jura, Blancpain is the oldest watch brand in the world. Faithful to its tradition of innovation, as evidenced by the countless complications invented over the years, the Manufacture is constantly pushing the limits of watchmaking in order to take this art where it has never gone before. The relationship between the world of fine watchmaking and haute cuisine, between Blancpain and the Art of Living, is obvious, both in terms of their shared commitment to craftsmanship, the importance attached to product quality, and respect for the terroir and traditions. The quest for excellence, know-how, technical precision, and passion are all shared values. For more than 30 years, Blancpain has maintained a special relationship with some of the world's greatest chefs, who boast a total of 100 Michelin stars, past and present. In 2014, the Brand joined forces with Relais & Châteaux to promote a sense of hospitality and an irreproachable quality of service.