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Northern Europe with Relais & Châteaux

Most of the countries of Northern Europe share the same coastline. For some, it’s the North Sea; for others, the Baltic.
Nevertheless, their spirit also expresses itself on land. The Flemish spirit is embodied in Bruges, called the “Venice of the North”, while the spirit of Wallonia resides in the enchanting and pastoral southern part of Belgium. Then, by crossing the Belgium border to the south, you’ll arrive in Luxembourg, where the word “multicultural” is given true meaning, enriching this tiny country. Farther to the north lie the Netherlands, where you can enjoy bicycling throughout its vast marshlands. Covered with fields of multi-coloured tulips, the country’s symbol, the Netherlands is a land of many faces. Marking the division between the North and Baltic Seas, Denmark is a country with so much water all around that having sea legs is an advantage! This peninsula, the birthplace of novelist and poet Hans Christian Andersen, is a source of wonderful stories about...the Little Mermaid!

Much vaster and farther east, Poland will share the secrets of its sometimes turbulent past. Krakow, the ancient capital of the 14th century Polish kings, has retained an architectural splendour considered among the most beautiful in Northern Europe. Here, you can walk on foot through the Gothic and Baroque periods, which are echoed by the churches, palaces, house façades and museums. Rather than being a just a living museum, Krakow moves to the rhythm of its youth, its cafes, gardens and Planty Park, which can also provide you with a few moments of leisure.

Even farther east, Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, also merits a detour. Its Baroque-style architectural treasures are designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites, making visits to its historic centre a pleasure. The same goes for Riga, the capital of neighbouring Latvia and the largest city of the Baltic States. Here the Baroque gives way to Art Nouveau façades that are also designated as UNESCO World Heritage sites. Tallin, the capital of Estonia, faces Helsinki on the other side of the Gulf of Finland. The coloured façades of its main square, Raekoja Plats, sets the tone for this medieval jewel that attracts crowds of tourists each year.

Northern Europe, elegant and charming, has all the qualities necessary to captivate connoisseurs of cultural heritage and picturesque sites. Within this setting, our Relais & Châteaux offer singular hospitality in cosy accommodations where staying is a pleasure.

Discover all our Relais & Châteaux in Northern Europe


Hotel Heritage – Bruges (Belgium) - "In the heart of the historic Bruges"

Hotel Heritage

Auberge du Moulin Hideux – Noirefontaine (Belgium) – "Take the time to listen the silence"

Auberge du Moulin Hideux

La Butte au Bois – Lanaken (Belgium) – "A romantic retreat in a fairytale setting close to ancient Maastricht"

La Butte au Bois

Le Chalet de la Forêt – Bruxelles (Belgium) – "Seductive culinary creations to savour by the forest"

Le Chalet de la Forêt



Hôtel Le Place d’Armes – Luxembourg – "Not all jewels are for wearing...Welcome to the Place d'Armes!"

Hôtel Le Place d’Armes

Restaurant Mosconi – Luxembourg – "An Italian in Luxembourg..."

Restaurant Mosconi



Château St Gerlach – Valkenburg Aan de Geul (Netherlands) – "Maastricht's country estate"

Château St Gerlach

De Lindenhof Restaurant Hotel Lodge – Giethoorn (Netherlands) – "Exceptional hospitality in an idyllic Dutch setting"

De Lindenhof Restaurant Hotel Lodge

Kasteel Engelenburg – Brummen (Netherlands) – "The splendour and delights of a castle in a forest"

Kasteel Engelenburg

Landgoed Hotel Het Roode Koper – Leuvenum (Netherlands) – "The woods of Weluwe envelop our villa with their charm"

Landgoed Hotel Het Roode Koper

Manoir « Inter Scaldes » - Kruiningen (Netherlands) – "A delectable manor close to Zeeland's stunning beaches"

Parkhotel de Wiemsel – Ootmarsum (Netherlands) – "A site designed to do good for the body and soul"

Parkhotel de Wiemsel

Restaurant Da Vinci – Maasbracht (Netherlands) – "We care as much about our hospitality as about our cuisine"

Restaurant Da Vinci 



Falsled Kro – Millinge (Denmark) – "Nordic legends"

Falsled Kro

Restaurant Kong Hans Kaelder – Copenhague (Denmark) – "Nordic culinary delights under whitewashed vaults"

Restaurant Kong Hans Kaelder

Restaurant Lieffroy – Nyborg (Denmark) – "For us, the ambiance is as important as the cuisine"

Restaurant Lieffroy


Hotel Copernicus – Krakow (Poland) – "Was the theory of the solar system figured out here?"

Hotel Copernicus



Dome Hotel & Spa – Riga (Latvia) – "Gentle pleasures, Baltic charms and architectural gems"

Dome Hotel & Spa



Stikliai Hotel – Vilnius (Lithuania) – "Lithuanian conviviality"

Stikliai Hotel



The Three Sisters Hotel – Tallinn (Estonia) – "Peace and hospitality in a house dating back eight centuries"

The Three Sisters Hotel