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Gourmet France: our 3-Michelin-starred Relais & Châteaux properties

In the land of such great chefs as Auguste Escoffier, there is always something to tickle the taste buds! 14 Relais & Châteaux properties have been honoured with the prestigious distinction of 3 Michelin stars. The audacity, talent and unexpected combinations and flavours that delight our palates all stem from France's gastronomic heritage. From Paris to Marseille, from the Alps to the Aubrac, culinary artisans at the height of their skills let the French produce speak for itself and fill our plates with sheer pleasure!

Discover the gems of 3-Michelin-starred French gastronomy:

Maison Pic – Anne-Sophie Pic (Valence)

My cuisine, I would say, is simple and sophisticated. I attach supreme importance to getting the flavours just right.

Maison Pic

Maison Pic


Alléno Paris, Pavillon Ledoyen - Yannick Alléno (Paris)

I would like to make the Parisian cuisine shine!

Alléno Paris - Pavillon Ledoyen

Alléno Paris - Pavillon Ledoyen


Le Pré Catelan - Frédéric Anton (Paris)

My cuisine is simple, flavourful and sophisticated. I try to discover harmonies of flavours and this is my philosophy: even if perfection is not of this world, that’s no excuse not to try to attain it.


Le Pré Catelan


Le Pré Catelan


Pierre Gagnaire (Paris)

Cuisine is about sharing emotions, expressing a Chef’s love.

Restaurant Pierre Gagnaire à La Grande Maison de Bernard Magrez

Restaurant Pierre Gagnaire à La Grande Maison de Bernard Magrez


Maison Lameloise - Eric Pras (Chagny)

My cuisine has a progressive heritage and is respectful of the produce. It is fine and sensitive, adding a dash of fantasy while respecting current traditions.

Maison Lameloise

Maison Lameloise


La Bouitte – René et Maxime Meilleur (Saint-Martin de Belleville)

A gourmet epic that is out of this world!

Hôtel-Spa La Bouitte – Restaurant René et Maxime Meilleur

Hôtel-Spa La Bouitte – Restaurant René et Maxime Meilleur


Le Suquet – Sébastien Bras (Laguiole)

My love of fine cuisine is like the Aubrac region or my family: it's more than a job. It means everything to me! 

Le Suquet, Sébastien Bras

Le Suquet, Sébastien Bras


Georges Blanc & Spa - Georges Blanc (Vonnas)

My pleasure and passion is not just good food; it is also practising the true art of entertaining and authentic conviviality.

Georges Blanc Parc & Spa

Georges Blanc Parc & Spa


Troisgros - Michel Troisgros (Roanne)

We passed down a love of cooking from father to son. I think that's all we think about. Our tastes are for simple, pure food without artifice. Nothing is better than an original harmony between three or four subtly selected and measured ingredients. The beauty is in the care we bring to it. It's about discovering local resources, refining techniques, freeing ourselves from tradition, and being amazed every day. That's the recipe for enjoyment.




L’Assiette champenoise - Arnaud Lallement (Tinqueux/Reims)

Gastronomy must remain true to the identity of each chef and his or her DNA. When cooking, you must never forget: - where you come from - who you are cooking for - and above all where you are I have two signature dishes, the first is the Blue Lobster, a tribute to my dad. It is a special dish that my dad would make for us on big occasions. The second, the Breton Langoustine, is my favourite dish. When creating a dish, I always search for the ultimate flavour of each product, its delicacy, and above all its emotion.

Assiette Champenoise

Assiette Champenoise


Hôtel et Restaurant Régis et Jacques Marcon (Saint-Bonnet-le-Froid)

How could we resist the desire to offer our guests such a view? We want meals at the restaurant to be a real celebration, with recipes that reflect the surrounding countryside, our personalities and our traditions.

Hôtel et Restaurant Régis et Jacques Marcon

Hôtel et Restaurant Régis et Jacques Marcon


Le Petit Nice-Passedat – Gérald Passedat (Marseille)

My cuisine is an instinctive, pure cuisine, giving flavour and texture with every mouthful. A cuisine of depth, it reflects the slow progress towards the abyss; in stages, to better discover forgotten and abandoned fish, a unique approach to the Mediterranean and respect for the maritime domain. My garden is the Mediterranean.

Le Petit Nice-Passedat

Le Petit Nice-Passedat


Flocons de Sel – Emmanuel Renaut (Megève)

I want to offer a technical cuisine in which the technical elements disappear to make way for emotion. You'll find the men and women who enhance our mountain landscapes behind every product.

Flocons de Sel

Flocons de Sel


Les Prés d’Eugénie - Michel Guérard (Eugénie-les-Bains)

Dare to dream...

Les Prés d’Eugénie - Maison Guérard

Les Prés d’Eugénie - Maison Guérard