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17 March: celebrate St Patrick’s Day in Ireland and stay with Relais & Châteaux

A land that has inspired countless filmmakers, the country of James Joyce and Guinness, home to its rugby XV and symbolised by the shamrock (not the four-leaf clover!), on 17 March Ireland is the place to be for a very special tradition: St Patrick’s Day. This national holiday celebrates Saint Patrick, who converted Ireland to Christianity. For four days (from 16 to 19 March 2017), this year’s celebration has been transformed into a major festival, the St Patrick’s Festival, with a slogan that speaks volumes “Ireland You Are”.
Part national celebration, part cultural happening, no fewer than thirty events will take place showcasing artists from all walks of life, singers, poets and dancers, to name but a few. It is the perfect opportunity to discover Irish culture, its soul and its riches, as well as its infinite sense of hospitality. Why not prolong the experience and stay in one of our Relais & Châteaux properties that offer a wonderful welcome, something so dear to the hearts of the Irish!  Discover Ireland

Ballyfin Demesne, “the most beautiful hotel in the world 2016” according to Condé Nast Traveler
Just an hour south-west of Dublin, Ballyfin Demesne, a Regency-style property, opens its doors to elegance and refinement.  With 250 hectares of nature, a huge lake, a wood and caves, the calm and romanticism of this place is an invitation to relaxation and laziness.  More than just a hotel, Ballyfin Demesne helps care for injured animals by offering them a natural environment in which to recover before reclaiming their freedom.

Ballyfin Demesne - Irlande - Relais et Chateaux - Meilleur Hôtel au monde

Ballyfin Demesne - Irlande - Relais et Chateaux - Meilleur Hôtel au monde

Marlfield House, the discreet charm of a family home where hospitality is a motto
On the south-eastern tip of Ireland is the elegant Marlfield House in Wexford, a town founded by the Vikings 1,000 years ago. Its gardens, roses, bridges, pavilions and lake offer an enchanting setting for a peaceful stay.

Marlfield House

Marlfield House

Cliff House Hotel, breath-taking views and whale watching
In the fishing village of Ardmore in the south-east of the country, Cliff House Hotel clings onto a cliff and offers its guests exceptional views. It is a unique spot for whale watching and outdoor activities such as horse riding, kayaking and climbing.

Cliff House Hotel

Cliff House Hotel

Sheen Falls Lodge, an exceptional hotel overlooking Kenmare Bay
Exploring the area around Sheen Falls Lodge is about discovering landscapes of wooded hillsides, red sandstone mountains, rivers and waterfalls, and when you finally arrive you cross the threshold of a hotel renowned for its gastronomy, piano jazz atmosphere and collection of whiskeys.

Sheen Falls Lodge

Sheen Falls Lodge

Park Hotel Kenmare, Victorian architecture in the kingdom of Kerry
Between picturesque roads and steep coastline, the Park Hotel Kenmare is set in the very heart of the Ring of Kerry. After criss-crossing hiking trails or hitting a few golf balls, enjoy spending time being pampered at the spa or watching a film in the hotel’s private cinema. 

Park Hotel Kenmare

Park Hotel Kenmare