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Discover all our hosts
Maîtres de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Frank Nagel & Natalie Fischer-Nagel

Maîtres de Maison - Relais & Châteaux

Frank Nagel & Natalie Fischer-Nagel

Weissenhaus Private Nature Luxury Resort

Weissenhaus - Germany

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Maître de Maison Relais & Châteaux

Can you tell us the story of your property?

Idyllic located castle gardens, ample fields and wide alleys open up to the visitor when the ironguilded gate close behind him. A place like no other awaits the guests, embraces them with unrivaled tranquility and fascinates with unknown comfort in a unique scenery. Cared for by welcoming and discreet hosts, one will find absolute well-being and uncompromised recreation, while the vast castle etstate combines first-class luxury with a history full of tradition.

What is your trademark in terms of the art of generosity and warmth?

Authentic and committed is the effort for our guests  - the centre of our work. An attentive and warm service combined with the unostentatiously friendlyness create the atmosphere in which our guests do not only feel like guests, but like visiting friends. Elaborate details and total discretion underline the feeling of intimacy which makes our guests become regular patrons.

What memories do you want to give your customers?

We are entirely happy, when departing guests are totally caught and touched by the particular atmosphere of our estate, the deceleration and a deep, long lasting satisfaction.

What passions do you share with your guests at your property?

The fine art of living in the country side, in combination with first-class luxury at our castle estate and the total harmony of our expansive gardens, are the warrant for an equal understanding and fascinate us as well as our guests on a daily basis. The complete dedication to the variety of flavors of our cuisine, with its refined and technically perfect creations and our promise of extraordinary culinary experiences, also ensure perfect well-being.

Weissenhaus Private Nature Luxury Resort

  • Hotel and restaurant on the seafront.