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PURS Luxury Boutique Hotel & Restaurant
(from) US$ 382.85

PURS Luxury Boutique Hotel & Restaurant



Awaken all the senses

Andernach + River Rhine

Historic monuments and chateaux

Famed for its many chateaux, fortresses and medieval towns, the region is a must-see for history buffs. Don’t miss Marksburg Castle, the only castle on the Rhine that has never been destroyed. Suffused with myths and legends, the imposing Lorelei slate rock mound offers breathtaking views. And finally, the towns of Bacharach and Oberwesel offer a captivating insight into Germany's rich architectural and cultural heritage with their magnificent half-timbered houses and thought-provoking monuments.


Explore the vineyards of Haut-Rhin

Located in the north of the Rhineland-Palatinate state, bucolic Ahr valley is one of the most famous wine-growing regions in Germany, renowned for its red wines. Its sunny hillsides, covered in vines and with picturesque villages nestled within, are an essential stopover for oenology fans across the Rhine. Absorb the region's scenic beauty and cultural heritage as you visit its vineyards, where some of the country's finest wines are produced.


Vineyard visits

In the heart of the Rhine Valley is the town of Andernach, whose proud history stretches back two millennia. Located near the vineyards of Moselle-Nahe, it benefits from a unique terroir, renowned for producing Rieslings with wonderfully refined aromas and a surprising minerality. You can discover these exceptional nuances with oenological tastings held in most winemakers' cellars. You can also hike in the vineyards, enjoying breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and picturesque villages that dot the valley. Between August and October, you can also attend festivals that showcase the region's heritage and wine-making traditions.

Explore Koblenz

Discover Koblenz, a German city whose name directly refers to its geographic position at the confluence of the Rhine and Moselle rivers. Head first to the Deutsches Eck, an emblematic promontory where the two waterways meet, marking a beautiful gateway to the terraced vineyards and castles of the Rhine Gorge. Ride the cable car to explore the colossal preserved fortress of Ehrenbreitstein that overlooks the city. Further upstream, enjoy the stunning scenery of the Upper Middle Rhine Valley, a UNESCO World Heritage Site – perhaps from an unusual angle, during a relaxing boat trip.