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Le Ponant - Caribbean

Le Ponant - Caribbean



Awaken all the senses

6 MAIO DJI_0470PO150123_le_ponant_seychelles©PONANT-Julien Fabro

3 different itineraries

Length of cruise: 8 days/7 nights – Number of departures for this destination: 27


1st itinerary : Reverie under sail in the heart of the Lesser Antilles

Itinerary: from Philipsburg to Marigot and from Marigot to Philipsburg – Le Ponant will sail the Caribbean Sea from February to March 2025 and from December 2025 to March 2026. This itinerary is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change.  


Norman Island, Treasure Island

Did Robert Louis Stevenson ever visit these shores? An uninhabited isle of pirate mischief and countless legends, Norman Island seems to have come straight from the celebrated writer’s imagination. With wild goats and a few pelicans as its only residents, the island boasts great hiking trails and many diving spots along its rugged coastline.

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Dog Island: an Avian Paradise

“Bird Island” would have been a more suitable name, as seabird colonies consider it a prime breeding ground. Dog Island appears on the horizon northwest of Anguilla, sheltered by three large sandbars (cays). This wonderland for ornithologists and those seeking wild flora and fauna is home to terns, frigates, gulls, and green sea turtles.


2nd itinerary : Gliding the waters in the Windward Islands

Itinerary: Roundtrip from Pointe-à-Pitre – Le Ponant will sail the Caribbean Sea from January to March 2025 and from January to March 2026. This itinerary is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change.


Off the Beaten Path on Marie-Galante

There are so many ways to explore Marie-Galante: the island’s vast plateau, exquisite beaches of fine sand, a breathtaking underwater world, fields of sugar cane, traditional distilleries. Discovering Marie-Galante is like leaping into a Guadeloupe of yesteryear, an island that keeps its own time.


Postcard from Sandy Island

Sandy Island is more of a picture-postcard than a landmass, seemingly made to mirror an idyllic island dream: white sand beaches, towering rows of coconut palms, crystal-clear waters, and pelican flocks skimming the shimmering surface – it’s all there. Listed as a protected nature preserve, the island is a paradise for eager divers.


3rd itinerary : History and culture visiting Caribbean jewels

Itinerary: from Pointe-à-Pitre to Philipsburg and from Marigot to Pointe-à-Pitre – Le Ponant will sail the Caribbean Sea from January to April 2025. This itinerary is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change. 

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Caribbean serenity in Charlestown

Facing Saint Kitts, Nevis will charm you with its peaceful pace and serene atmosphere. Explore its rich historical past, admire the Georgian architecture of Charlestown, and stroll through the tropical botanical garden of Nevis. The magnificent volcanic landscapes also offer pleasant hikes at the base of Nevis Peak. A dive into the turquoise waters of the Caribbean will be a rewarding conclusion to your endeavors.

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Cultural discovery in Falmouth Bay

Erected in 1725 and remarkably preserved, Nelson’s Dockyard, nestled within Falmouth Bay, stands as the last operational Georgian-era naval yard. Designated a UNESCO World Heritage Site, this fortified harbor enclave notably encompasses the residence of British Admiral Horatio Nelson, who resided there from 1784 to 1787. A quintessential visit sure to delight history and architecture enthusiasts.


1st itinerary : The Caribbean, under sail aboard Le Ponant

Itinerary: Roundtrip from Fort-de-France – Le Ponant will sail the Caribbean Sea from February to March 2024. This itinerary is provided for informational purposes only and is subject to change. 

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Peaceful privacy for memorable moments

Martinique, Grenada, Saint Lucia – names that inspire island-getaway fantasies. Experience the magic of the Caribbean on a cruise that stops at beautiful, mysterious ports of call. Whether you swim the turquoise waters or explore the tropical forests, it is the perfect voyage for snorkeling, diving, heritage, long hikes, and simply relaxing with your loved one. 


Creole Discoveries in Kingstown

The capital of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines is an unmatched showcase for Creole art and dining. Kingstown, in the shadow of the still-active La Soufrière volcano, is dotted with traditional, colonial-style houses and many more wonders. The charm of this colorful, fragrant archipelago is captured in the island’s national anthem, “Saint Vincent Land So Beautiful.”