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Honshû, a journey to the heart of Japanese art and architecture
9 Nights
A concierge is at your service:
Price of a local call

Crossing the island of Honshû, from the Seto Inland Sea to the Sea of Japan, is to discover not only captivating cities–fast-paced Osaka and traditional Kyoto–but also unexpectedly picturesque landscapes. This gentle journey captures the dramatic contrasts of the archipelago, from its megacities to traditional villages and buildings with thatched roofs. Yet, everywhere you go, you’ll witness attention being paid to the art of detail, from its shop windows to its stone gardens, the world of contemporary design and the finesse of its traditional Torii gates.

This route was created by Yoshinori Shibuya, Owner and Chef, La Bécasse Learn more.
35 miles
136 miles
30 miles
1 Osaka — 1 Night

Osaka, beyond the megacity


The third largest city in Japan, Osaka at first appears to be a modern, lively metropolis. And since 2004, it has also established itself as a destination for art lovers, who flock to the National Museum of Art to see its collection of more than 8,000 contemporary works. Yet strolling along the city's main thoroughfares opens the door to some incredible cultural contrasts, not least the historic castle that seems to resist the glass and concrete buildings of the business district. ... Learn moreless

Close to the property

Relais & Châteaux Kashiwaya

Relais & Châteaux Kashiwaya

In this acclaimed traditional Ryotei restaurant on the outskirts of Osaka, Japan’s landmark city, Kashiwaya Osaka Senriyama offers modern Japanese food in a dining room designed in the “Sukiya” style, Japan’s traditional format for tea ceremonies: Fusuma sliding doors, shoji paper screens, tatami mats...

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Relais & Châteaux La Bécasse

Relais & Châteaux La Bécasse

“Never be satisfied.” Franco-Japanese chef Yoshinori Shibuya, the perfectionist, has never forgotten this snippet of advice given to him by the great French chef Alain Chapel. Constantly pushing his creativity to new heights, Chef Shibuya has followed in the footsteps of Chapel and Robuchon, his two...

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35 miles
136 miles
30 miles
2 Kyoto — 3 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
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Kanamean Nishitomiya

Kyoto - Japan 8 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in town. The Kanamean Nishitomiya is one of the ryokans which have survived in the modern surroundings of downtown Kyoto. The wooden architecture hosts only eight suites which lead to a little Japanese garden with seasonal flowers. Futon, tatamis, bamboo furniture… true serenity is prevailing. Mr and Mrs Nishida, the fifth generation of hoteliers in this property, welcome you personally, respecting the Japanese tradition of hospitality. Like the very beautiful crockery in which the dishes are served, your hosts look after every detail inspired by the history of the Honeyanocho district, renowned for crafted fans, which have given their name to the hotel. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
1 Michelin Star 2024
(from) US$ 474.97
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35 miles
136 miles
30 miles
3 Kaga-shi — 4 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - Main cover photo ©Nippon Design Center Inc
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - balcony ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu -  engawa veranda ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - private hotspring bath ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - owners_Mrs and Mr Nakamichi ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu – lobby_relaxing area ©Nippon Design Center Inc
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - annex ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - indoor communal hotspring bath ©Nippon Design Center Inc
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - outdoor communal hot spring bath ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu – Yakushiyama treatment_2 ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - library ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu – reading room ©Nippon Design Center Inc
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu – Mr. Nakamichi welcoming tea ceremony ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu  - female snow crab with amber jelly ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - bamboo shoots ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - Unique experiences_Ozuchi mountain ©Beniya Mukayu
Hotel + Restaurant
Beniya Mukayu - Yamashiro Onsen ©Beniya Mukayu

Beniya Mukayu

Kaga-shi - Japan 16 rooms

This property is open.

Hotel and restaurant in a village. Founded in 1928 in the spa town of Yamashiro, Beniya Mukayu is located on the road from the revered Kyoto to the world heritage sites Shirakawago-Gokayama, close to Kanazawa. The hotel’s architecture elegantly emphasizes contrasts between light, shade and neutral colours. Every room has its own private open-air hot spring bath, with a wonderful view of the authentic Japanese garden. The traditional tea ceremony performed by the owner, the finest Kaga style Kaiseki cuisine served on locally crafted crockery, as well as invigorating medicinal spa treatments, combine to make Beniya Mukayu a peaceful heaven. ... Learn moreless

Relais & Châteaux review
(from) US$ 523.38
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On the route

Public baths, Kosoyu

Public baths, Kosoyu

The Japanese love public baths. Everyone – young and old, men and women – attends these recreational areas. Since the Meiji era (1868-1912), Yamashiro Onsen Kosoyu has been home to one of the region’s finest baths. In recent years, the building has been restored to its original state: Kutaniyaki style...

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Shirakawa-go & Gokayama designated villages

Shirakawa-go & Gokayama designated villages

For their unique architecture, these two mountain villages have been designated UNESCO World Heritage sites. Isolated Shirakawa-go and Gokayama have long made a living from mulberry cultivation and silkworm farming. The “Gassho” style architecture of the houses has been adjusted to the often harsh weather...

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35 miles
136 miles
30 miles
4 Kanazawa — 1 Night

Kanazawa, pearl of Ishikawa


Known as the ‘little pearl of Ishikawa,’ Kanazawa first seduces visitors with its exceptional geographical location. On the shores of the Sea of Japan, not far from the Japanese Alps, the city also notably attracts lovers of history and tradition. In the shadow of the old, fortified castle, the sublime Kenroku-en garden, with its sublime cherry trees, is considered one of the most beautiful in the archipelago. The site also houses the 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, which presents works by Anish Kapoor, Atsuko Tanaka and Gerhard Richter. ... Learn moreless

Close to the property

Relais & Châteaux Zeniya

Relais & Châteaux Zeniya

Take a seat at the counter and let yourself be surprised. Here, there is no menu or predefined specials; the chef follows his inspiration and what he perceives of his guests' desires to prepare them a unique meal celebrating a moment that will not be repeated. At the head of this family restaurant,...

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Kenrokuen, one of Japan’s most beautiful gardens

Kenrokuen, one of Japan’s most beautiful gardens

High above Kanazawa, close to the castle for which it is named, Kenrokuen Garden (the Six Attributes Garden) is considered one of the finest gardens on the archipelago. Patiently tended since the feudal period, it stretches outward from a man-made pond. Covering over 27 acres, the garden is dotted with...

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21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa

21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art in Kanazawa

This museum, which opened in 2004, lives up to its name: Its circular form invites you to contemplate the art of the future. The building's transparency opens organically onto the works and installations by major contemporary artists, including Gerhard Richter, James Turrell, Francis Alÿs, and Atsuko...

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Texts : © Gallimard Loisirs
Photos: © Kopytko Alexey