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Legendary Kenyan safaris
8 Nights
A concierge is at your service:
Price of a local call

Anything or any place deserving the tag ‘Legendary’ must be just that and here in Kenya are two of the most legendary landscapes and experiences in all Africa. The epic grasslands and riverine forests that form the Maasai Mara Conservancies, home to some of the largest concentrations of wildlife anywhere on Earth; and uninterrupted views of Mount Kilimanjaro from Ernest Hemingway’s Green Hills of Africa, the volcanic Chyulu Hills, home to the largest tusker elephants in Africa.

5 hours
1 Maasai Mara — 4 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant

Great Plains Mara

Maasai Mara - Kenya 9 rooms - 2 villas

This property is open.

Lodge and restaurant in a private game reserve. The key elements of your adventure: a change of scene, emotional highs, and the joy of experiencing it all with friends and family. Laid out in traditional safari style, the camps of the Great Plains Conservation Collection blend into the landscape without altering its beauty. They promise you an incomparable immersion in the most preserved reserve in Kenya: the Masai Mara. Its three camps, each designed in sympathy with the surroundings and tastefully decorated by the owners–who are members of the National Geographic Society–offer an intimate setting, ideal for discovering a region teeming with wild animals. Situated under the canopy of trees, at different strategic locations, Mara Plains, Mara Nyika and Mara Toto Tree are a visual love letter to Africa, its wildlife and its people. Whether you decide to visit all three camps or not, your all-inclusive stay ensures you discover the myriad facets of this immense Eden, during personalized safaris. Discover the epitome of responsible travel, in complete harmony with neighboring Masai communities. ... Learn moreless

5 hours
2 Chyulu Hills - Amboseli — 4 Nights
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant
Hotel + Restaurant

ol Donyo Lodge

Chyulu Hills - Amboseli - Kenya 9 rooms

This property is open.

Lodge and restaurant in a private game reserve. Wake up to snow-capped Mount Kilimanjaro and the distant roars of lions. ol Donyo Lodge is a pioneer amongst safari lodges, and a forerunner of sustainable tourism: by working with the local Maasai people, it has been able to blend conservation and livelihood benefits. On the slopes of the Chyulu Hills, this lodge blends contemporary and traditional design. To stay here is a chance to explore Africa in an uncommon way – by horseback or four-wheel drive, on foot or in a hide twenty paces from some of the largest elephants in the world. ol Donyo Lodge enjoys a stunning location, with the savannah at its feet stretching as far as the eye can see. This is the Africa of the mind's eye. ... Learn moreless

Texts : © Gallimard Loisirs. Photos: © oversnap