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Weekapaug Inn
(from) US$ 405

Weekapaug Inn

United StatesRhode islandWesterly


Awaken all the senses

Pool Long View
Weekapaug Gym

A Wellness Escape in Rhode Island

As soon as you arrive at the Weekapaug Inn, time seems to slow. After a stroll on the beach, relax in the outdoor pool or jacuzzi, looking out over the Atlantic, or opt for a more energetic session in the fitness center. Extend your wellness interlude at Ocean House, the inn’s sister property, where the spa features a salt water pool, beauty salon and fitness studio offering yoga and Pilates. Sound baths, massages and restorative rituals complete this experience, all an exercise in tranquility and inner calm.


On The Pond

Take a seat aboard the Quonnie Queen. This twenty-three-foot electric boat boasts the elegance of traditional boats. It is electrically propelled and has been constructed using the finest materials, oiled teak and glossy varnish. It thus offers exceptional comfort while gliding over calm waters, all while respecting the environment and the silence of the surroundings. Take advantage of your boat ride to catch clams for dinner, or to simply contemplate the reflections on the water at sunset...

Naturalist Teddy
Teddy at Weekapaug

Explore Nature’s Wonders

Teddy Beahm

Given our spectacular location on a living estuary, we offer a full roster of nature-based and outdoor activities. Swimming, boating, birding, cycling, yoga, reading and sun-bathing are just some of the ways to celebrate nature’s wonders in Weekapaug.

Teddy Beahm - Naturalist
Pool short view
Pool Long View
Weekapaug Gym
Meeting House wedding set up 2
Meeting House meeting set up

Relax, Unwind and Unplug

There is something quintessentially American about Weekapaug Inn. It is elegant, relaxed and undeniably serene. From The Lawn to The Lobby and everywhere in-between, there’s a warm sense of welcome like you’re at your home away from home.