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Le Taha’a
(from) US$ 1,038.62

Le Taha’a

French PolynesiaPatio-Taha’a



Unique lagoons and coves: paradise in turquoise!

Unique lagoons and coves that will make your heart sing! Lagoons call to mind the long coral reef that is home to extraordinary flora and fauna. A world teeming with life, where shimmering colours provide a kaleidoscope for the eyes as you dive, while fish large and small perform an unexpected ballet in the seemingly endless turquoise water that is...
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Where to go in June with Relais & Châteaux

In June, summer is just getting under way in the northern hemisphere. The mild climate hints at the long holidays just around the corner, but before that, what if we crossed the globe in search of a relaxing break in the sun or an adventurous escape? While staying in one of our Relais & Châteaux, let yourself be tempted by the St John&rsq...
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Winter sun: set course for the Tropics with Relais & Châteaux!

Put away those boots, jumpers, scarves and gloves and make way for the swimsuit and sarong - your suitcase is already heady with exotic scent! It's decided, you're spending winter in the sunshine. You can luxuriate swimming in turquoise blue waters with the sun high in the sky, or trace little drawings with your toe in the fine, white sand,...
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Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Our Top 10 Jeanne Dréan

Well-Being: Tradition, Art, and Culture

In almost every culture around the world, it’s possible to find time-proven practices that honor physical and spiritual ancient well-being rites and provide a chance to discover a land’s historic and cultural treasures. This world tour offers ways to reconnect with ourselves and others.

Le magazine de Relais & Châteaux
Concierge Festive season Tamlin Wightman

The Longest New Year’s Eve

From New Zealand to Tahiti, it will take 24 hours for the sun to rise on 2022! Here are ten magical places, broken down by time zone, to celebrate the New Year in style.