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Woman of the Year

"Mujeres con corazón y cabeza, mujeres con ánimo y con gusto.. ¡todo se debe a ellas!"

Relais & Châteaux and Pommery present the 2025 Woman of the Year Trophy to Kaitlin Ross, General Manager of Sonora Resort in British Columbia, who oversees 11 managers and 120 employees and is known for approaching her job with kindness and sincerity. She began her career here in 2005 as a dock hand for the Fishing Guides, before being promoted to Marine Operations Manager and then General Manager. At every stage, she has excelled in roles historically not held by women and blazed a trail for all those that follow her. Her success stems from her dedication to her craft and is exemplified by her curiosity and radiant personality.

Hotel + Restaurante
Sonora Resort - Aerial
Hotel + Restaurante
Sonora Resort - Aerial
Hotel + Restaurante
Sonora Resort - Facilities 2
Hotel + Restaurante
Sonora Resort - Island Currents Spa
Hotel + Restaurante
24004_STE-PD4_Eagle Rock Lodge
Hotel + Restaurante
24004_STE-G4_Marine Lodge - Ocean View
Hotel + Restaurante
24004_STE-D3_Yuculta Upper and Lower Suites - Ocean View
Hotel + Restaurante
Sonora Resort - Roof Top Hot Tub
Hotel + Restaurante
Tyee Dining Room
Hotel + Restaurante
Tyee Dining Room
Hotel + Restaurante
Cuisine - Dessert
Hotel + Restaurante
Sonora Resort - Wildlife

Sonora Resort

Sonora Island - Colombia británica, Canadá

This property is open.

Hotel y restaurante en un bosque. Escondido en un archipiélago del Pacífico, el Sonora Resort ofrece una alquimia rara entre naturaleza virgen y confort sofisticado. Aquí solo se acccede por mar o en avión y el espectáculo de la fauna es impresionante: águilas posadas en la copa de inmensos árboles y ballenas surcando las corrientes. De aventura en aventura, dedique sus días a observar osos grizzli en su hábitat natural, pescar o hacer senderismo. El relax reina en el spa con vistas a las piscinas de aguas minerales y en las habitaciones se disfruta de vistas pintorescas a las cumbres nevadas. Talentosos, los chefs acomodan su cocina a los productos frescos de la zona que se sirven frente al océano. ... Para saber más haga clic aquí.menos

Relais & Châteaux opinion
(a partir de) US$ 894,99
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